Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't Mess With Me

Best news first. Cavell can see in the mornings! I also felt good taking him to ChildWatch at the YMCA yesterday. Yes, there was shock at his face. He didn't want to tell the workers about his fall, he just wanted to play with the blocks and do crafts. I think the biggest part of this is HE doesn't see his face like we do. He barely looks in the mirror. If he can't see it and he feels fine, Cavell doesn't get what the big deal is.

We didn't go to the Y this morning.  Cavell made himself a walking bio haz-mat, again.  It was a simple decision.  We will be going this afternoon for Alayna's KidFit class and I am taking it easy on my legs with a bodyweight workout I can do at home during my taper week.  We didn't need to go to the gym this morning.
it's oozing, not bleeding
He did let me use a bandanna as a bandage.  Not only does it help to stop the bleeding that is occurring, it also keeps his fingers away from picking at the scabs and causing more bleeding.  Another added benefit?  He looks adorably tough.

Forgive the blood running down Cavell's face.  I had to take the pic while he was willing, and washed it off after.  I wanted to get a picture of Cavell's eyes.  They look pretty cool in person.  The whites of his eyes are pure red, but only on the outsides.  The whites on the side of his nose are pure white, not even a line of red.  How patriotic can he get with his red, white and blue?!


Tiffany said...

I'm way behind on reading blogs...but what a horrible accident that Cavell had! You must have been so worried about him at the time. I'm glad he's recovering well, he's such a cute little boy.

Kenzie :) said...

I think i got lost somehwere, What happened to Cavell?

Anonymous said...

what happened to this lil handsome fella I have a 1 year old man that hit the middle of his nose on the table now has a huge knot right in the middle of his eyes. I was trying to research some info on it an this popped up. cavell I have this to say to you, you are the most courages out going an brave lil man I have ever seen an I see the way your progressing an it makes me smile to see how tough you are considering the circumstances an I just wanted to say CAVELL YOU ARE INSPIRING!! the wright family.