Friday, April 01, 2011

Who's the Fool

Alayna had been making a big deal about April Fool's day recently, so we decided it would be fun to plan April Fool's Jokes for the tykes.  Most involved their food and food colouring.

The morning started off with a colorful breakfast.  The Kix cereal had a surprise of yellow food coloring hidden at the bottom of the bowl.  As the kids added milk to their bowl, the milk turned a strange yellow color! This little trick went over pretty well with the kids, but things went downhill from there.

For lunch, Alayna had pink milk. Stacy put a couple drops of red food coloring in her milk to turn it pink. When Alayna came home, she proclaimed loudly that she, "doesn't like pink milk and it tasted funny." She took a sip and that was that. But the mind-taste connection would be illustrated even more later.

For dinner, Stacy worked hard the night before and April Fool's day to keep the kids from knowing what was in store, and actually prepare the tricks. Dinner was served in pajamas and the kids were told they needed to finish their cupcakes before they could have their dinner. Dinner was meatloaf "cupcakes" with blue mashed potato "icing" on top.

Stacy even tried initials in ketchup on top of the "icing".
Cavell took a nibble of the mashed potatoes before concentrating on the ketchup and ignoring the rest.  Alayna ate most of her "cupcake" and then proclaimed that there was too much "icing" and it was too sweet so she was done with dinner. Lex ate like a champ and finished off a whole meatball and potato cupcake on his own.

We had to call the kids back to the table so they could eat a dinner of "Chicken Pot Pie." That took a lot of convincing and a little threatening. From the pictures, you can see just how much they enjoyed their meal.
Chicken Pot pie was a vanilla pudding with Mike & Ike candies cut to the size of diced vegetables and topped with a pastry crust.  The kids immediately turned up their noses at the thought of chicken pot pie, but they at least had the decency to crack the crust and taste that.
They ate the crust. Alayna was the first to discover that the sauce had a sweet taste and was willing to give the innards a try.  Cavell took one bite and decided that this was just too much trouble and left the table again.  Alayna started to get into the meal and then complained that the candies were too hard to chew and there were not enough of them. She ate half of her pie and left the table as well.

Lex, Mom, and Dad cleaned up the leftovers without a single complaint.  Well, Lex complained when the leftovers were gone and he couldn't eat any more pudding.

So I guess Alayna got us after all.  We did all the work for the prank and we still ended up getting punked.


Tara Oliver said...

oooooh what is it with kids. LOL. sorry it didn't quite work out, but I LOVE it. :) the little stinkers.....your post kind of made me laugh though. sorry. :)

Rachel said...

That is so funny! I didn't do anything this year, as the past two years have resulted in angry kids.