Have you ever had the perfect Christmas experience? You know, the one where everything is just like it's supposed to be? The kids woke up and ran down the stairs with excitement. They tore open their gifts with glee. They played with each other nicely and shared their new toys. And we all ate too much chocolate candy for breakfast. We had that this year. It was a wonderful weekend for the family and will likely be counted as one of our fondest memories of Christmas.

We had the traditional Christmas Eve present opening extravaganza. Since Alayna already has so many pajamas, she got mittens and a hat to keep her warm in the extreme southern Texas weather we are experiencing. The rest of us got styling jammies to keep us cozy. And then we had the traditional picture taking.

Of course taking pictures with a couple of kids that love the camera turns into a contest of who can capture the most limelight. Friendly competition for the center of attention is the norm at our house and is only magnified when the camera is revealed.
If you noticed the romantic aura to the pictures, it is not the result of our Photoshop skills. It is the result of a series of strategically placed, sticky, 2 and 5 year old fingers on the lens of the camera. The kids find the camera, remove it from it's hiding place, and take pictures of themselves and each other as well as the carpet and ceiling. They really do love the camera.

Alayna and Cavell were enthralled with their stockings and presents this year. Cavell is old enough to really tear into the wrapping paper and enjoy the entire experience. Alayna got a bunch of loot to add to the growing pile of pink and other girl themed toys she has amassed over her five years including My Little Pony's and Princess Barbie. Cavell finally got some boy themed toys. He is now the proud owner of fire engines, back hoes, diesel trucks, and other manly construction equipment.

And what would Christmas be without some type of indulgent food? Stacy did not disappoint with her gluten free orange rolls. Think cinnamon roll with a citrus flavored filling.

And then she drowned it all in a citrus flavored icing. Decadence does not even begin to describe the experience. Breakfast has never been such a rush of simple sugars and carbohydrates.

And thanks to Grandma Onines, Cavell and Alayna have been completely outfitted to follow in their Mother's baking footsteps. As cool as everything else was that the kids received Christmas morning, they got the most excited about their new, hand sewn baking outfits. Now, every time Stacy walks innocently into the kitchen to prepare dinner, Cavell is right behind her running for his hat and apron so he can help.
I'm sure that in future years we will have Christmas's with snarky and jaded teenagers, but for now, we are lucky enough to be living in an idyllic time for our family.
Next Christmas will have some serious competition for the spotlight.
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