Alayna wanted to be sure we shared this, "really exciting news!"
Other than official phone calls to Mothers, this will be the announcement to the family and friends of our impending addition to the family. We figure that between the folks that check the blog semi-regularly and the way THE sister (you know who you are) just seems to know these things, everybody will know shortly.
If you found out via the blog, please post a comment for our own kicks and giggles.
Congrats! I'm curious to see how the next uber cute Jensen baby will look...I'm sure I'll want to steal her too! Yay yay yay for all of you! This is exciting!!!!
Congrats to you all............am I allowed to tell anyone? Or would you prefer they figure it out in their own due time, cuz I'm thinking that's kinda harsh (good news is meant to be shared and I like to do that)
Wow, that is wonderful news! Congratulations! Three kids is fun, but watch out because you'll be outnumbered now! :)
Hoo Ray!! Hoo Ray!! We are excited for your family!!!
Love Grant & Diane
okay, I am super super behind on reading blogs since Ashleigh has been born.....but congratulations!! how wonderful to have a spring baby coming up!
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