A couple weeks after our arrival in Texas, we were able to move out of our 2 room cottage and into a full size home. We have learned that our families happiness together is directly proportional to the amount of space we have available to separate ourselves from each other.
Yesterday we spent the morning cleaning up from the move. We have lived amongst cardboard boxes for the past three weeks and it was time to clean up our act. We still have boxes in a couple of rooms that we are not spending much time in, but our bedrooms, kitchen, and living room are free and clear. Its a great feeling to walk around the house without tripping over, rubbing up against, or being cut by cardboard boxes. Even though we are hoping to only be in this house for a year, it is finally starting to feel like home.
One of the drawbacks to renting is that I don't get to do any home repairs or projects. In fact they made me sign a sheet of paper promising to call them to fix anything instead of doing it myself. So now instead of being able to procrastinate fixing all of the little things that need to be worked on, I have to wait for somebody else to decide to do it. I'm starting to understand how Stacy feels.
I'm totally jealous of your cool new laundry set up! it's rad! and your house picture...well it definatly leave something to be desired. hahaha.
nice place. now I REALLY wanna come to Texas.
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