It's Been A Big Week
Cavell's 6 Month Checkup
Cavell went in to the Dr. for his 6 month check up. It was nice for Stacy to take a child in to the Dr. with no concern whatsoever about child development. Alayna was always on the slippery slope of 'failure to thrive'. Cavell is on the slippery slope of getting too big for his britches.Cavell's 6 Month Checkup
Cavell is now 15-1/2 lbs and 27 inches long. He is getting big and at the ripe old age of 6 months has actually grown into his 6 months clothing.
Cavell has also progressed quite a bit physically. Stacy checked in on what types of physical development a 6 month old should have to compare Cavell to the standard. Apparently the average 6 month old is just starting to try sitting up which helps gain the strength and skills needed to start scooting around before crawling. Cavell started scooting at 4 months and can get around the whole house leaving snail trails of drool behind him. He has learned the joy of climbing everything. He pulls himself up to a standing position on the floor pillows, on the couch, on his sister, and most recently on his mother's calves while she was washing the dishes. And just to put himself in compliance with the regulations, he decided to sit himself up as well. But Cavell has no time or desire to sit. He got moving again as soon as Mom took notice of his accomplishment.
Alayna 'Miss-Demeanor' Jensen
Alayna has a pretty cute, even innocent countenance. People always comment on how angelic she is. Little do they know the cold, hard, criminal mind that lurks beneath the pampered princess exterior. Noticing that Cavell had received considerable attention from the Dr. and nurses, Alayna instinctively sought out a source of attention getting behavior.
While Stacy stood at the front desk setting appointments and paying co-pays, Alayna decided to go to the waiting room and sit, innocently enough, on a chair. Stacy could see Alayna sitting calmly on the chair. Since all appeared well, Stacy returned her attention to the receptionist and setting the next Dr. appointment. Noticing the tiniest breach in Mom's attention capacity, Alayna sprung into action.
Turning around in her chair, Alayna noticed a bright red and white wall fixture hanging right at eye level with a handle that was just built to be pulled by little hands. So she did.

Apparently this is a common drill for this building. The fire alarm in the pediatrician's office was placed in a location perfect for tempting small children despite the protests of the building occupants. New building codes require that the fire alarms be accessible to people in wheelchairs and the occasional three year old.
Stacy was the picture of calm in the storm. Immediately after the alarm was activated, she asked for her co-pay receipt, confirmed she had an appointment scheduled and gathered her children to exit the building. The receptionist was the real hero. She risked life, limb and hearing to stay at her post to finish making Cavell's 9 month checkup appointment card and tidied up the paperwork before fleeing the danger zone. Stacy and her pint sized partners beat a hasty escape before the cops arrived. So far there has not been a knock at the door looking for a delinquent evading arrest, but I'm a little concerned that there may be a warrant waiting for Alayna at the next Dr. appointment. What is the punishment for harboring a fugitive? Is there a toddler's court?
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