Drool Bombs
Anybody who has spent time with Cavell knows that he drools a little bit. He has always had this little habit of holding his drool in his lower lip until just the right moment. He seems to be able to aim his blobs with amazing accuracy and perfect timing. When Cavell isn't actively lubricating whatever his prey may be, the drool just kind of rolls down his chin and soaks into his clothing.

Now that he is crawling all around the house, he has started leaving little drool bombs on the floor. Walking barefoot is dangerous as these booby traps are camouflaged well enough to be unseen by the human eye. Unwary travelers across the carpet will notice these little mines left lovingly behind in Cavell's wake by the explosive wet feeling underfoot.
Now that he is crawling all around the house, he has started leaving little drool bombs on the floor. Walking barefoot is dangerous as these booby traps are camouflaged well enough to be unseen by the human eye. Unwary travelers across the carpet will notice these little mines left lovingly behind in Cavell's wake by the explosive wet feeling underfoot.
1 comment:
Thanks a bunch for helping me with the blog thing. If you've looked at it recently it definatly helped. Your babies are SO cute! I just watched the videos from the hospital where Alayna sang to Cavell...oh my, I loved it! I was laughing but at the same time I thought it was the cutest thing ever! she has the sweetest little voice!
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