Sunday, June 03, 2007


We have a tray of salt that Alayna and Stacy play in. The game is based on the Montessori idea that a child can learn letters thru a more tactile experience. Except Alayna prefers to draw circles. Taking advantage of this predisposition, Stacy began to choose letters that involved a circle beginning with O. Stacy drew the letter and then help Alayna draw her own in the salt. Next they added different lines to O to make other letters, like P and Q. Then some lower case a, b, c and d. Next, Alayna wanted to do an e. Stacy explained it was a c with a - through it. This time, before Stacy could finish her e Alayna drew her own E!

And what letter does one do after E went so well? F, of course. Alayna's is on the right.

After a couple of practices, this is Alayna's T.

And, after a demonstration I in the middle, Alayna had to fit her I in on the right, before the salt was wiped.

Also of note, Alayna is not saying "cheese" for each picture, but the letter she just wrote.

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