New Braunfels is a town rich in German heritage. There is a fair ground AND there is Wursthalle for the annual
Wurstfest. The community education program offers "Kids German Folk Dancing" starting at age 4. We were excited to sign Alayna up, and she was excited to learn.

Here she is at her first practice with the other children in her age group.
- Clap, clap, clap
- Turn a round
- Bow 2 3 4
In addition to the $5 class fee she needed a
dirndl. We pulled this little number together in time for her first recital yesterday as entertainment for the
Meals On Wheels Conference.

Alayna said that she was "slightly nervous" to dance at her first recital. Mostly, she seemed very excited.

Here she is lining up with her partner to go in. Her group danced the Dance of Greeting and the Herr Schmidt. Peeking thru the window (I know, not very professional but I didn't want to crowd/block the doorway with the other parents) I saw Alayna look around at her audience with a smile as she began to dance. After watching the older groups dance, all the children made a circle for the
Chicken Dance! After one chorus all of the attendees were invited to make a circle outside of the children's and join in. Following hearty applause the children exited to go home with their parents.
I took Alayna to Dairy Queen for a sundae with chocolate sauce and a cherry on top afterward in celebration of a job well done. Now she is excited for her next chance to dance.