Stacy sang a beautiful rendition of I Know That My Redeemer Liveth from Handel's Messiah at church this morning. This is not Stacy's favorite song from the Messiah. Stacy does not really like to sing about worms, but she did a great job. I apologize for the amateur recording. I was not able to balance the voice and the piano, but you can still hear Stacy pretty well. Turn up your volumes and click on the play button to hear:
Since Stacy is also the primary chorister and leaves sacrament to make a beeline to the primary room for the remaining two hours, she did not receive as many compliments on her performance as I did. Some of the excerpts:
"Stacy has a beautiful voice, where did she perform opera before she moved here?"
"If I was lying in a hammock with a cool breeze, I could have drifted off to sleep." (really, that was a compliment, I promise)
"Amazing, where does she take lessons?"
"I hope she sings at the ward talent show again this year."
"How much training did Stacy have?"
"I could listen to her all day. Alayna and Cavell are lucky that they get to hear Stacy all the time."
"Does she sing like that at home all the time?"
Needless to say, Stacy did a great job as usual and really made a positive spiritual impact on the meeting. Even if she was singing about worms.