Yes, it has been a while since the Paul and Stacy Jensen Family has made contact with the outside world. I'm sure you are wondering if our children are still alive and growing and being cute. So here's a brief update on the 2 months that have past since our last post.

We'll do him first since he's the newest and the cuteness hasn't worn off yet. Cavell is growing like a weed. At his 2 month check up he was given a clean bill of health and we found out he had grown 4 inches in length and gained 5 pounds in weight. He grew out of his 0-3 month clothes and is currently filling out the 3-6 month clothing. He's not anything like his cousin Jaxton, but he's growing larger and faster than his big sister did. Stacy enjoys going to the Dr appointments now that she doesn't feel like her child is at risk of being diagnosed with 'failure to thrive' each visit.
Cavell has mastered the art of the smile and is working on the giggle and laugh. The preliminary step of the cry and the coo are practiced regularly with wild abandon. The higher forms of expression are now within reach. Cavell should be well prepared for the impending visit of the Grandma's next month. All Grandma's in attendance will be very impressed.

Having reached the ripe old age of 3-1/2, Alayna today announced her intentions for the rest of her life. She has decided that when she grows up she wants to be a student. We really didn't know how to respond to that decision.
Alayna has taken on the responsibilities of big sister very seriously. She helps change diapers, entertain, love, and talks to her little brother. She introduces him to strangers, tickles him, and sings him songs. She is very posessive. Cavell is not our son, he is her little brother.
In addition to big sister responsibilities, Alayna takes time to perform the duties of a princess, Little Red Riding Hood, the Little Mermaid, a kitty cat, a lion, and a humpback whale. She also takes the time to be just Alayna. Be careful when approaching Alayna, if you do not know which personality is in control at the time, you run the risk of offending a lion.
Stacy has been getting into the routine of caring for two children and running a household. Her routine consists of feeding Cavell, feeding Alayna, exercising, feeding Cavell, playing with Alayna, feeding Alayna, feeding Cavell, getting Alayna to take a nap, feeding Cavell, convincing Alayna that cleaning up her toys is a game, feeding Cavell, going to a playdate, feeding Cavell, preparing dinner, eating dinner while Paul holds Cavell in the other room because he won't stop crying, feeding Cavell, getting Alayna ready for bed, feeding Cavell, scrapbooking, feeding Cavell, sleeping while feeding Cavell and doing it over again the next day. It's easy when it becomes a routine.Stacy has created scrapbooks from the digital photos we have taken of Alayna and Cavell. She has almost completed a different book for each year of Alayna's life and is collecting photos of Cavell to start his books. It takes a lot of time to produce the book, but once she is caught up she will be able to put it on cruise control. Stacy has gotten quite good manipulating the software to make her pages. Despite her claims otherwise, she is developing into a digital artist. It's fun to look at her work in order of completion to see how much she has improved since she started.
Stacy is still knitting. For Christmas last year she received a Master Knitter accreditation package. She is almost completed her level one certification. Once she has finished her accreditation she can brag that she is a Master Knitter. We always knew she was good, but soon she will be on the level of 'little old lady in the rocking chair on the porch' good. Just remember that when a Master Knitter walks in a room, all other knitters are required to drop a stitch.
Paul works. When he isn't working at work, he's working on school. When he isn't working at work or on school, he runs an informal computer help desk from the sofa. When he isn't doing that, he plots adventures that have to wait for the end of school responsibilities. School is out the last week of November. December is when the adventures begin.Between work and school, I have put together a little space on the web that can hold some stories and photos. Eventually this blogspot will no longer be updated and future information will be hosted at the new location. The website is still in the construction process but it works. I can't spend a lot of time on it right now, but will be able to spend more time working with it later. One of the goals is to learn the new programming skills it takes to run a website and help Dad get some pots sold, help Ben start his business, and start up a few ideas of my own on the side.
The website is password protected, but since I am the administrator, I will be able to help people that lose/forget their password.
Website address: www.ps-jensen.com
If you do not want to take the time to create a password yet, you can use:
Username: jensen
Password: family
The photo gallery has some updated pictures of Cavell and Alayna. We are still uploading photos all the time, so check back often.