Monday, March 03, 2008

Budding Artist

We have really noticed a change in Alayna's ability to draw. For a long time all she did was make little circles that were usually raisins. Then she graduated to hurricane style shape of concentric , eccentric, circles. Then we noticed that when she colored with pencils or crayons, she was actually coloring in the lines more than outside the lines.

The other day she had a notebook and was pretending to write a list. One of her favorite games is to take a small notepad and 'take your order' while she plays waitress. This time, she was working very hard on her scribbles. When she was done she proudly wanted to show us her giant. We thought you would like to see it as well.

Stacy found a great web page detailing the stages of art/drawing at each age of maturity. It looks like Alayna is right on track.

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