Saturday, December 29, 2007

Alayna's Story
Alayna has embarked on her creative writing career. She dictated the following story to Stacy yesterday. Stacy had to work pretty hard to keep up with Alayna's pace, but she got the whole story down correctly. We know it's correct because Alayna has committed the story to memory and her recitation matches the text perfectly. (Original grammar preserved)

The Little Mother
She always has so many little children she didn't know what to do. She wanted the children to come back inside because they were so cold to get their sweaters and it was raining so they needed to get their rain hats that went all the way down their backs.
They lived in a shoe and their daddy was at work but he came home to the shoe because he was all done with work.
They need their dinner. They then can have their dessert and go to bed. In the morning they can have their breakfast and their mom got their breakfast.
They noticed that they could never ever have it again. Now there was a big giant dinosaur. They need eggs, water, milk, yogurt, carrots, and drink ice water. They can not do knock knock jokes because they needed some new voices.

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